Home Staging

Whether occupied or vacant, we will transform your home to appeal to the widest range of buyers, accentuating the best features of your home while minimizing the unfavorable ones.  Make a lasting impression from the moment your home is first viewed online, visited in person where emotional connnections are formed, and until they make their offer. There is only one chance to make a first impression!

Remember, most people buy based on emotion.  Make your Home a Buyer’s Dream Home!

Why is home staging important?

  • Staged properties receive 6-10% increase on their equity than unstaged homes

  • Staged properties sell more quickly than unstaged properties

  • Home buyers can better visualize themselves living in a home that has been properly prepped and staged

  • High quality photos of your staged homes sets you far above the competition

Your Home Staging Consultation will give you all the answers you’re looking for.

Home Staging is a 3 Part Process

Step 1: Consultation

We will do a room by room assessment of your property including exterior and provide you with our recommendations in an Action Plan Report which will be left with you.

Step 2: Recommended Work is Completed

For those looking to do most of the work themselves, the Action Plan is a clear guide for getting the job done. If DIY isn’t for you, or if you would like a little support, the Home By Design team can handle any or all of the work required.

Step 3: Showcasing Your Home

Once step 1 & 2 have been completed we can begin the crucial step of showcasing your property. This is where we bring the WOW factor! Using the science of staging we will style your house and bring an emotional connection to the prospective buyers. This includes furniture placement, lighting, accessories and more.